
Positive atmosphere in the club vital for coach’s success

The success of a certain club doesn’t solely depend on those outstanding players and insightful coaches. It also depends on the specific atmosphere and communication culture at the club. If all these factors are combined and a family atmosphere is nurtured, the success of the club won’t be far away.  Many can identify with the terms ‘club culture’ and ‘ club atmosphere’, although those are two very different terms. The club atmosphere is a short-term situation depending on the club’s leadership style and current results. A positive atmosphere draws large crowds …

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Build your own character and become a successful coach

Have you ever been haunted by the thought: “What people think of me”? “What would they say if I picked Roy instead of Paul?” If you aim to become a top coach, you’ll never bother with what people say about your work. You should worry about what your conscience says. To follow your conscience means you’re a coach with a strong character. The largest obstacle in building a strong character is the fact that it can’t be built overnight. This is always a slow process. Maturing ourselves takes the hard work …

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A wise coach is a successful coach

I am sure most will agree with me that wisdom as a human trait can contribute to the success of someone’s coaching career. What does it mean to be a wise coach? A wise coach is one who knows how to make a balance between his own and club’s interests. And the club interest consists of the interest of the players, club leaders, sponsors, fans and the wider community. Can wisdom be learned? The concept of wisdom is often associated with older people, coaches with long-standing coaching experience. Such perception of …

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Do you have doubts about your abilities?

I guess that you as a football coach already found yourself in a situation when you had doubts about your team’s ability to do something?  “Can I do that? Is my team capable of doing it? “ Numerous studies have been carried out on this subject have shown that people who believe in their capabilities achieve better results. This means that football coaches who are confident are more likely not to lose a match against favored opponent team than the coaches who poses the same abilities but are suspicious about the …

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