Evaluating football, especially coaches, is very difficult and complex. Football clubs and the football academies, as a rule, do not make their decision on the basis of the professional qualities of coaches solely but on the basis of their imaginative values. And among the sports public, usually, the opposite opinion counts. The majority of football enthusiasts are convinced that when deciding on the hiring of a new coach, his professional qualities are crucial.

In reality, this is not exactly accurate. Professional knowledge and the results of the coaches are not decisive when deciding on a new coach. A crucial role in making a decision on the employment of a new coach is his image, that is, a set of beliefs and opinions that he has created in the public.

Coaches’ expertise, achieved results and the acquired license when making a decision imply something that is simply expected. So, when deciding on a future coach, a crucial criteria is the way how the coach is presenting his knowledge and personality in the public. A coach who has a better image in the public is usually employed and usually achieves a higher salary.

The engagements of former football stars by famous clubs confirm my opinion. They often get a coach’s job on the account of their well known football name, even though there are certainly better and more experienced coaches among their counter-candidates.

My opinion, in this post, has no scientific and researched background. It is based on my long-standing experience of work in Croatian football clubs.