1. Focus on the present

It’s good and reasonable to learn from the mistakes of the past, but you shouldn’t think too much about them. You should live and work in the present – it will bring a secure future.     

  1. Avoid working in an unsettled environment

The organisation, management and operations of sports clubs, regardless of their ranking, are no secret. This data can be easily found by every coach. Don’t rush and don’t accept offers from clubs that are disorganised, with leaders who promise a lot yet perform poorly. Be sure you’re making the right choice as the dissatisfaction while working in such clubs will unconsciously affect your performance and work within the team.

  1. Do not accept offers where results are expected overnight

If you’re out of a coaching job, that doesn’t mean you have to rush and accept the first offer that comes along. These rarely turn out as you’d like them to with painful consequences. Are you ready to tarnish your good reputation because of a seemingly ‘attractive’ offer?

  1. Be fair

Lies and currying favour are common methods used by players and fellow coaches in order to gain favour with the head coach. Appreciate the truth, be fair, thank those who serve the truth, no matter how painful or difficult it might be.

  1. Get rid of stress

The coaching profession is extremely susceptible to stress. How to get rid of it? Firstly, think positive and plan your coaching profession. Don’t be embarrassed to ask your new employer to put the agreed terms on paper. This small, painstaking move (at the time) will certainly relieve you of possible future stress.

Source: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Marijan-Hizak/e/B01LZOEWVT